The basic main program#

This is a minimum ferroelectric main program that use the PhaseFieldSDK.

Files and folder#

  • data.f90, define the global data used by the main program

  • input.f90, read parameters from input file

  • main.f90, the main program entry point

  • output.f90, subroutines for output data

  • setup.f90, system setup subroutines

  • setup, this is just an example of how you can use the module submodule structure to properly separate subroutines. You can also put all submodules in the setup module

    • electric.f90, poisson solver setup

    • elastic.f90, mechanical equilibrium solver setup

    • ferroelectric.f90, ferroelectric related setup

    • initial.f90, setup initial condition

    • tdgl.f90, TDGL solver setup

  • solve.f90, call the solvers from SDK to solve the electric, elastic and TDGL equation.